Pesek, Joseph J

Pesek, Joseph J

Professor, Chemistry




Preferred: (408) 924-4950

Office Hours

by appointment


Students in my group explore a variety of topics. Research is divided into two major sections:

I: Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Stationary Phases for High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

Graduate and undergraduate students synthesize an array of novel stationary phases using Kromasil and AstroSil silicas as a main support. For more information on Kromasil silica go to the web address: "". Information on AstroSil silica is available on the web site "". The picture on the left represents a scanning electron micrograph of 5 �m AstroSil Silica (100�) at 2000x magnification. The surface of the particles is smooth and featureless, and remains so even at much higher magnifications.
The surface of the silica used in the studies is first converted to hydride via a silanization reaction.
The second step, hydrosilation, attaches the organic moiety to the hydride intermediate in order to create the product that has the desired surface properties.


cat = catalyst, typically hexachloroplatinic acid
As shown above, the bonded organic moiety is attached to the surface by a stable Si-C bond. This feature leads to the high stability observed in chromatographic experiments.
HPLC columns developed in my lab are being marketing by MicroSolv Inc. - see the web site "" for more information.

II: New etched capillary columns for Open Tubular Capillary Electrophoresis (OTCEC) - development and characterization

The open tubular approach to Capillary Electrochromatography has been the focus of work in our laboratory. The diagram below depicts the process of making modified OTCEC columns.

The finished products are then used by students in a variety of challenging bioanalytical problems. So far the following etched capillaries have been created and characterized: cholesterol, diol, C18, C8, butyphenyl, cyclodextrin.
Some of the columns made in my lab are available via MicroSolv Inc., see the web site "" for more information.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Univ Of Cal-Los Angeles, 1970
  • Bachelor of Science, Chemistry, University of Illinois, 1966


Professional Preparation
University of Illinois Chemistry B.S. 1966
UCLA Analytical Chemistry Ph.D. 1970
UCLA Postdoctoral Fellow 1970-1971

Professor San Jose State University 1985-
Associate Dean,
Graduate Studies and Research San Jose State University 2000-2003
Visiting Research Professor Monash University, Melbourne, Australia 2000
Chair, Dept. of Chemistry San Jose State University 1988-1996
Visiting Professor University of Aix-Marseille 1988,1992, 1994, 1995,1996
Visiting Research Professor Ecole Polytechnique, Paris 1984-1985
Associate Professor San Jose State University 1981-1985
Assistant Professor San Jose State University 1978-1981
Assistant Professor Northern Illinois University 1971-1978


Five significant publications

"Open Tubular Approaches to Capillary Electrochromatography, J. J. Pesek and M.T. Matyska, in Capillary Electrochromatography, Z. Deyl, F. Svec, eds., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2001, pp 241-270.

"Characterization of Open Tubular Capillary Electrochromatography Columns for the analysis of Synthetic peptides using Isocratic Conditions, M.T. Matyska, J.J. Pesek, R.I. Boysen and M.T.W. Hearn, Anal. Chem., 73 (2001) 5116-5125.

"Surface Modifications to Support Materials for HPLC, HPCE and Electrochromatography, "J.J. Pesek, M.T. Matyska, in "Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Chemically Modified Surfaces, J. Blitz and C.B. Little, eds., Royal Society of Chemistry, Oxford, 1999, 97-110.

"Synthesis and Characterization of Liquid Crystal Type Stationary Phases on a Silica Hydride Surface, J.J. Pesek, M.T. Matyska, E. Williamsen, R. Tam, Z. Wang, J. Liq. Chromatogr. & Rel. Technol., 21 (1998) 2747-2762.

"Synthesis and Characterization of Bonded Phases Made Via Hydrosilation of Alkynes on Silica Hydride Surfaces, J.J. Pesek, M.T. Matyska, M. Oliva, M Evanchic, J. Chromatogr. A, 818 (1998) 145-154.


Synergistic Activities

Project Director - 菠菜网lol正规平台/IBM Research and Training Program supported as an NSF GOALI initiative.
Co-PI - NSF Curriculum Development Grant, new teaching methods in quantitative analysis.
Board of Directors, California Separation Science Society (CaSSS)
Associate Editor, Journal of Separation Science
Research Mentor, NIH Minority Biomedical Research Support (MBRS) program at 菠菜网lol正规平台

Collaborators and Other Affiliiations

Dr. Klaus Albert, Department of Chemistry, University of Tubingen, Tubingen, Germany
Dr. Bogdan Buszewski, Department of Chemistry, Nicolas Copernicus University, Torun, Poland
Dr. Milton Hearn, Professor, Biochemistry/Molecular Biology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Kiyokatsu Jinno, Department of Materials Science, Toyohashi, University, Toyohashi, Japan
Dr. Antoine Siouffi, Department of Chemistry, Universite d'Aix-Marseille, Marseille, France

Dr. Frantisek Svec, Co-Editor, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley

Graduate Advisor
Dr. James L. Sudmeier, Tufts University Medical School

Postdoctoral Advisor
Dr. Robert L. Pecsok, University of Hawaii (Retired)

Postgraduate Scholar Sponsor
Dr. Eric J. Williamsen (Camille and Henry Dreyfus Fellow), Ursinus College, Collegeville Pennsylvania
Dr. G. Brent Dawson (Camille and Henry Dreyfus Fellow), University of North Carolina, Greensboro




42. W.M.Keck Foundation, 2000-2002 $500,000
"Support of Departmental Equipment and Renovation

43. National Institutes of Health, 2000-2004 $220,921
"Evaluation of Microseparation Techniques

44. National Science Foundation, 2001-2004 $310,000
"Fabrication, Characterization and Applications of New Separation

47. National Science Foundation, 2001-2004, "菠菜网lol正规平台/IBM GOALI Program $750,000

